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April 24, 2024

Boosting Your Business Online with SEO in Ireland Ever thought about how many new customers you could connect with each day just by ramping up your online visibility? Consider this: as of early 2023, nearly 99% of Ireland’s population were surfing the web—that’s close to 5 million people right at your fingertips, exploring, sharing, and interacting online.   And get this—about 80% of folks in Ireland are active…

April 24, 2024

The Technical Side of SEO – Backend Strategies for Irish Websites Technical SEO focuses on optimizing the backend elements of a website—those that are not immediately visible to users but are crucial for search engine algorithms. With the internet increasingly becoming the first point of contact between businesses and potential customers, you want to ensure all ground is covered.   The Symbiosis of SEO Components SEO can be…

April 19, 2024

SEO Trends, Tools, and Techniques to Propel Irish Businesses In Ireland, if you’re not on that coveted first page of search results, you might find it tough to stand out in such a busy market. This cuts across all niches. More and more businesses are waking up to the power of online platforms to connect with their audience. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the backbone of digital marketing…
